At the time Java is
divided into kingdoms , there was two major kingdoms , namely : Boko
kingdom and the Kingdom Pengging . Each kingdom is ruled by a great king
Prabu Boko Boko is
the king of the kingdom . He has a form of a giant , but so his daughter
Jonggrang very beautiful . Meanwhile , Prabu Damar Moyo is known as the
king of the Kingdom Pengging , which berputra a knight named Bandung .
to history , which is then handed down through the generations to
folklore , the two kingdoms at war with each other for territory and the
reins of leadership . The idea was initiated by the struggle to Patih
Gupala Prabu Boko . They were making plans , tactics , and strategy . As
soon as everything is ready , Prabu Boko prepare his troops toward the
Kingdom Pengging .
the war between the two kingdoms . Boko kingdom led by King Boko own .
And Pengging kingdom led by his father as a messenger Bondowoso beat
Prabu Boko and his men .
sides launched attack after attack is quite fierce . However , Bondowoso
finally managed to kill King Boko . Without their leader Prabu Boko men
topsy - turvy , including Patih Gupala . He fled back to the Kingdom of
Boko . Bondowoso Patih Gupala pursue .
duke who first reached the kingdom of Boko immediately report to
Jonggrang . This dainty princess wrath knowing his defeat . He was about
to beat tactical Bondowoso in Boko .
intention to destroy the kingdom of Boko Patih Gupala and vanished as
soon as he saw Jonggrang . In his vision , Jonggrang looks slick ,
beautiful , and charming . His heart was keen to mempersuntingnya . He
turned away from its original purpose .
Bondowoso convey his will , his daughter filed two conditions :
Jalatunda well made and wake her 1000 temples overnight . Because his
heart was smitten beauty princess , Bondowoso accept the terms .
did not take long for Bondowoso Jalatunda to finish well . Bondowoso
Jonggrang asked to go into it , and ordered Patih Gupala to hoard .
Unfortunately, Bondowoso too powerful . It can not kill him .
also completed the second challenge : build the 1000 temples in one
night . With the help of magical creatures , Bondowoso start working .
Too early yet to come , building a thousand temples was almost finished .
Bondowoso will feel that the successful completion of the challenge it
provides. But the princess did not lost my mind . He asked for help the
girls of his kingdom . They were ordered to burn the straw and mortar to
pound the east . Straw burning light effect like sun would rise .
Mortar - mortar that hit makes a rooster crowed . Indicates morning
activity has arrived .
beings maid Bondowoso immediately went away . The supernatural beings
that said it was morning , or the princess being mengerjainya .
Bondowoso call Princess .
Bondowoso and then went to say if the man was lost . However ,
Bondowoso Jonggrang accused of cheating . Number of temples is not even
1000, there were only 999 .
wrath and curse Jonggrang so fulfilled the temple there are 999 temples
. Immediately , Jonggrang turned into temples . In addition , he also
condemned the girl who helped Jonggrang cheating will be an old maid not
sold - life behavior .
And so the legend of Prambanan Temple , Yogyakarta , occurs . Until now we still can see beauty , even though some parts of the complex was destroyed . Myths about the old maid was still attached Prambanan Area .
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