Jumat, 28 November 2014

"onion garlic"

A long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named garlic . They are a happy family . Although garlic dad just ordinary traders , but they live in harmony and peace . But one day ill mother garlic and eventually died . Garlic is grieving so did his father .

In the village lived a widow who also has a son named Bawang Merah . Since mother died Garlic , Shallots mother often visited the house of Garlic . He often brought food , helped clean the house garlic or simply accompany Garlic and her father chatted . Garlic father finally thought that it might be better if he just married the mother Onion , Garlic not so lonely anymore .

In consideration of the garlic , then the father is married to the mother Garlic onion . Originally mother onion and shallots to garlic is very good . But over time they begin to seem true nature . They often scold garlic and give him regular work if dad Garlic 're going to trade . Garlic should be doing all the housework , while Onion and his mother just sitting around . Garlic father of course did not know it , because garlic is never told .

One day Garlic father fell ill and later died . Since that time his mother Onion and more powerful and arbitrarily to Garlic . Garlic is almost never rested . He had to get up before dawn to prepare breakfast for the water bath and Onion and his mother . Then he has to feed livestock , watering gardens and washing clothes to the river . And he still had to iron , clean the house , and many other jobs . However Garlic always do his job , because he hopes one day his stepmother would love her like his own child .

This morning as usual Garlic carrying basket of clothes to be washed in the river . With a little singing her down a path at the edge of a small forest usual path. The day was very sunny . Garlic immediately wash all the dirty clothes he was carrying . Because of too much fun , Garlic bahwasalah unaware of the dress has been washed away . Unfortunately the clothes are washed away her stepmother 's favorite shirt . When I realized it , his stepmother clothes had been washed away too far . Try the garlic down the river to look for it, but could not find it. In desperation, he returned home and told his mother .

" Basic careless ! " Snapped the stepmother . " I do not want to know , just you have to find something to wear it ! And do not dare go home if you have not found it . Understand ? "

Garlic is forced to obey the wishes overlying half . He immediately wash down the river where he was . Mataharisudah began to rise , but garlic has not found her clothes . She put up her eyes , carefully examined every root panhandle that juts into the river , who knows her clothes stuck there . After stepping away and the sun was already leaning to the west , Garlic saw a shepherd who was bathing buffalo . Garlic then asked : " O my good uncle , if uncle saw a red shirt that float through here ? Because I had to find and bring him home . " " Yes I had seen my son . If you chase quickly , maybe you can catch him , " said the uncle .

" Well uncle , thank you ! " Said Garlic and immediately ran back down . It was getting dark , Garlic was getting desperate . Soon the night would arrive , and Garlic . From a distance it looks light coming from a shack on the banks of the river . Garlic immediately approached the house and knocked." Excuse me ... ! " Garlic said . An old woman opened the door ." Who are you , kid ? " Asked the old woman .

" My Grandma Garlic . Just now I was looking for my mother's clothes were washed away . And now benighted . Can I stay here tonight ? "Asked Garlic ." Perhaps son. Are you looking for clothes that are red ? " Said grandmother ." Yes Grandma. What ... grandmother found him ? "Asked Garlic .

" Yes . The shirt was stuck in front of my house . Unfortunately, even though I liked the dress , " said the grandmother. " Well I 'll give it back , but first you must accompany me here for a week . I have not talked with anyone , how ? "Pleaded nenek.Bawang White thought for a moment . The grandmother looked lonely . Garlic also feel pity . " Well Grandma , I will accompany grandma for a week , as long as grandma does not get bored with me , " Garlic says with a smile .

Garlic week-long stay with the grandmother . Garlic each day helps with housework grandmother . Of course the old woman happy. Until finally even been a week , she called the grandmother garlic ."Son , you 've lived here a week . And I'm glad that you are diligent and dutiful son . According to my promise that you should bring clothes home mom . And another thing, you may choose one of two pumpkins this as a gift ! "Said the grandmother .Garlic initially refused to be rewarded but still forced her grandmother . Garlic eventually chose the smallest pumpkin . " I am not afraid to take a big strong , " he said . Grandma smiled and drove up to the house Garlic .At home , Garlic handed his stepmother 's red dress while she went to the kitchen to split the yellow squash . Surprise, garlic when it split pumpkin , gold jewels in it apparently contains very much . She screamed and was so excited to tell this magical stepmother and red onion with langsun greedy grab the gold and gems . They forced garlic to tell him how he could get the prize . Garlic also told the truth .

Hearing stories garlic , onion and her mother plan to do the same thing but this time the onion will do . In short shallots finally got old grandmother's house on the edge of the river . Such as garlic , onion was asked to accompany him for a week . Unlike an avid garlic , onion during the week just lazing . If anything that is done then the result is never good because it is always done at random . Finally after a week grandmother that allow onions to go . " Should not the grandmother gave me as a gift because the pumpkin with you for a week ? " Asked onions . The grandmother had ordered onion choose one of the two pumpkins on offer . Onion quickly take a large pumpkin and no thank him walked away .

When I got home to see his mom soon onion and pumpkin happily shows it carries. For fear of garlic will ask for parts , they sent garlic to go to the river . Then they impatiently divide the pumpkin . But it was not gold gems that came out of the pumpkin , but venomous animals such as snakes , scorpions , and others. The animals were immediately attacked the onion and her mother to death . That is the reward of those greedy .

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